Crossword Weaver
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"I tried every crossword program and yours is the best."


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1-2-3 Word
Search Maker

Enter your words, press a button, and instantly your word search is done. Make puzzles for your class, kids, publication, or just for fun in
no time at all.
Try it free!

Free Puzzles!

Puzzle Directory
Free collection of finished puzzles to
use with Crossword Weaver.

Visit today to try
it out!

Instructions for Downloading and
Installing Crossword Weaver

Crossword Weaver is in demo mode. This allows you to try the program to see if it meets your needs before you purchase it. After you purchase an unlocking code and enter the code into the Crossword Weaver demo, it will immediately become the full version. The demo version has limitations on printing, saving, and exporting.

Compatible with every version of Microsoft Windows,
including Windows 7, 8, XP, Vista and server editions.
(Mac users click here.)

Download Crossword Weaver

The demo download should begin automatically. If a yellow bar appears above, click it and select "Download file..." Or, click the link below to get started.

Downloading problems? Please click here for more downloading options.

Easy Instructions for Downloading

When you start downloading, a screen will appear asking what you want to do.

Choose " Run." You will then see a standard Security Warning box. Choose Run. We have made it safe to download. If you are concerned, click the link for the publisher "Variety Games Inc." to view our security certificate.

A new box will appear telling you about the product. Click "Next".

A screen will appear asking for a folder to install the software. For best results, do not change the location given. Click "Next" again.

You will see a box with a progress bar. Please be patient while the software downloads.

After the program is downloaded, it will say "Setup was successful." Click "Finish". Crossword Weaver will then start.

Next time you start the program, choose the icon from the "Start" menu or the icon on your desktop. You do not need to go through this process each time you start your program.

If you like it, buy it.

You can buy a an unlock code to unlock the demo at any time, before, during or after downloading. The unlocking code is specific to your name. When you enter your name and unlock code into the Crossword Weaver demo, it unlocks and lets you use all of its features immediately, even for the puzzle you started in demo mode. If you upgrade to a new computer, you can move Crossword Weaver to your new computer for free. Your name and license number will allow you to unlock the program again if you lose it.

Click here for online order form. The online ordering process is completely secure and will give you an unlocking code immediately.

If you want us to mail you a CD, you can also order one online.
To order by telephone. Call 1-800-229-3939 or 1-801-426-7824.

Also want to make word search puzzles? Check out 1-2-3 Word Search Maker. To get more information or a free demo, just click here.

If you have problems:

  • If you can't find the file "Crossword Weaver setup.exe" on your computer: Press the Windows "Start" button, select "Find," then select "Files or Folders," then search for the file named "Crossword Weaver setup.exe". Look in each drive starting with drive C:. (Hint: Change the "Look in:" field to "My Computer.") When the file is found, double click on it to install the demo. If this doesn't work, contact us.
  • If it won't install right: Occasionally a file transfer stops early. Check if the size of the file "Crossword Weaver setup.exe" (right-click on it and select "Properties"). It should be about 2.6 MB. If your copy is too small, try downloading again, maybe from a different one of our sites. If you still have trouble, please E-mail us or call us.
  • It said it installed successfully, but now what do I do? Once you start Crossword Weaver, it will suggest ways for you to learn how to use it.
  • If you have any other trouble downloading or setting up our software: Please E-mail us or call us at 1-800-229-3939 (or 801-426-7824). We will make sure you have an opportunity to try our software!
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