Crossword Weaver
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"The puzzles are easy to make, the kids love them and learn from them.....what more could a teacher ask for?"

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1-2-3 Word
Search Maker

Enter your words, press a button, and instantly your word search is done. Make puzzles for your class, kids, publication, or just for fun in
no time at all.
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More information about Crossword Weaver
The leading crossword puzzle software

Quickly add crossword puzzles to your web site for others to solve.
Play your puzzles online, or e-mail a link so others can play the puzzles online.
Buy it once, own it forever. Upgrades are always free!
After you purchase, use it immediately. We give you an unlock code that converts the demo into the full program. Be up and running in no time at all.
Put your words into crossword puzzles. Use only your words to make a freeform puzzle, or use our patented technology to put your words into a high quality professional style puzzle.
Very easy to use. Simply enter your words, press a button, and within seconds your puzzle appears.
Easily create professional looking work sheets. Quickly add borders, change fonts and colors, and really customize your puzzle.
Make the biggest puzzles. Crossword Weaver allows you to make puzzles up to 51x51, bigger than any other program!
Make multiple puzzles from a single word list.


Educators: Give yourself a needed break while ensuring your students are learning. The free-form puzzles are perfect for teaching because they contain only your words. This is reason enough to buy the software, but there's more. After you've made several wordlists, Crossword Weaver can easily make newspaper-style puzzles that your students will love! (Their parents will be impressed too.) Students love doing crossword puzzles, but until now they couldn't solve the newspaper style puzzles because the vocabulary was beyond their grade level. Now you can make similar puzzles that your students can solve. And best of all--up to one-third of the answers in your newspaper-style crosswords can be from your word lists.

Newsletter Editors: What a way to add pizzazz! Just drop in a puzzle and you’ll turn your readers into fanatics! Puzzle lovers will open your newsletter first, starting with the puzzle. You can make as many puzzles as you want from one word list on your newsletter topic. Make your list once and reap the benefits all year!

Businesses: Perfect for training puzzles, presentations, marketing, or as hand-outs to customers. People love solving crossword puzzles. So much the better if they have your message in them!

Greeting cards: Friends and family will love getting a custom puzzle for birthdays, holidays and other special occasions. Hint: Send enough copies for the whole family (because the one who gets the mail solves it first!). You can send them inside a greeting card, or as the greeting card.

Just for fun: One customer said, "You mean you have software that can make customized crossword puzzles? If I could do that, I would never leave the house!" These puzzles are so much fun to make and solve, you’ll want to make sure you aren’t too busy before you sit down with this software! You can make an unlimited number of puzzles. Increase your brain power, impress friends and family, or just have fun.

And more! Professional speakers, employee trainers, seminar leaders, magazine publishers, newspaper publishers, webmasters, religious teachers, etc. The list goes on and on!




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